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ASFL2 Rules - ASFL2 Game Scoring - Salary Cap Football

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Rank Pts Max:
WWBP Max: Member Total:

Salary Cap Football follows the standard ASFL2 scoring formula of , where n is the number of members, m is the maximum point value and r is the member's rank.

The maximum values for both are given as the default values in the text boxes above. To return to the default values, leave the field blank when submitting. The member total is also calcuated based on the current standings.

Season Finish
Week Wins Rank^
If there is a tie for a particular place, all tied will receive the point total for that place.
Week Win (WW):1 Point

^A Week Win (WW) is given to the person with the most points each week. The number of week wins given out each week is determined by the number of ASFL2 groups in Yahoo!.
Season-End Tiebreakers
(1) Most Week Wins
(2) Highest Week Score
(3) Higher Lowest Week Score
(4) Repeat (2) factoring out weeks used.
(5) Repeat (3) factoring out weeks used.

Standings Updates

Salary Cap Football features more than one ASFL2 Yahoo! group and as a result, there will be an overall standings page for Salary Cap Football game scores between the groups updated weekly.
Each week the ASFL2 championship points earned from week wins will be added to the overall ASFL2 championship standings. All other ASFL2 championship points earned from Salary Cap Football will be added to the overall ASFL2 championship standings once the game has been completed.

Salary Cap Football Game Rules & Settings