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ASFL2 Rules - ASFL2 Game Scoring - Fantasy Football

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Fantasy Football is unique as only the championship points awarded for the points scored standings follow the standard ASFL2 scoring formula of , where n is the number of members, m is the maximum point value and r is the member's rank with the n value always being 14. The playoff scoring is based on the formula, but rounding is used to give appropriate respect to consolation games versus elimination games. The overall bonus metrics use the formula as well, with n being the number of teams in all ASFL2 leagues combined.

Points for league standings are based on games relative to the final playoff place (6th) with the base value being 15 points and each game away being worth either one more point or one less point, member's also receive two points for a win and one for a tie.

Regular Season Finish
Perfect Season:25 Pts
7+ Games Ahead:22 Pts
6 Games Ahead:21 Pts
5 Games Ahead:20 Pts
4 Games Ahead:19 Pts
3 Games Ahead:18 Pts
2 Games Ahead:17 Pts
1 Game Ahead:16 Pts
6th Place:15 Pts
Same Record:15 Pts
1 Game Behind:14 Pts
2 Games Behind:13 Pts
3 Games Behind:12 Pts
4 Games Behind:11 Pts
5 Games Behind:10 Pts
6 Games Behind:9 Pts
7 Games Behind:8 Pts
8 Games Behind:7 Pts
Winless Season:5 Pts
Any half-game differences will turn into the half-point value between the closest two values on this list.
Playoff Finish
Champ:15 Pts
Runner-Up:13 Pts
3rd:12 Pts
4th:11 Pts
5th:10 Pts
6th:9 Pts
7th:7 Pts
8th:6 Pts
9th:5 Pts
10th:4 Pts
11th:2 Pts
12th:1 Point
Points Scored
1st:20.00 Pts
2nd:18.57 Pts
3rd:17.14 Pts
4th:15.71 Pts
5th:14.29 Pts
6th:12.86 Pts
7th:11.43 Pts
8th:10.00 Pts
9th:8.57 Pts
10th:7.14 Pts
11th:5.71 Pts
12th:4.29 Pts
13th:2.86 Pts
14th:1.43 Pts
Each Win:2 Pts
Each Tie:1 Point

Bonus Points
Once the season is over all teams across ASFL2 leagues will be ranked by regular season record, standardized point total within their league, standardized point total overall and combination score which combines all three previously mentioned rankings along with league difficulty.
The points awarded for each set of standings will follow the standard ASFL2 formula given at the top of this page. The maximum value for each set of standings will be as follows:

Overall Regular Season Record Standings: 2 Pts*
Overall Standardized Points Within League Standings: 5 Pts
Overall Standardized Points Overall Standings: 7 Pts
Combination Score Standings: 10 Pts

*All members tied on the same record receive the point total of the member they are tied with.

The number of points earned from each set of standings is then totaled and represented as a single "BNS" value on individual league standings pages and as "Draft Game Metric Points" or "Overall Metric Bonus" in the Points Log database.

Standardized Points Within League (STDPTS) is a measure of a team's point total versus those of the rest of that team's league using standardization. The average team point total is subtracted from the team in question's point total and then devided by the standard deviation of the league point totals. The higher the number the more dominant a team was against the rest of the league in terms of points. If a team's score was positive the team scored more points than the league average. If a team's score was negative the team scored less points than the league average. Standardization is the method used for standardized test scoring. Standard deviation is a value designed to determine the dispersion of a collection of numbers.
Standardized Points Overall (SLGPTS) is a measure of a team's point total versus those of all teams in other ASFL2 leagues of the same size, including the team's own league. This uses the same ideas as STDPTS only over a different set of numbers. Subtract the average team point total of all leagues of the team's league size (12 or 14 team) from the team's point total then divide by the standard deviation for that league size.

Standings Updates

Fantasy Football features more than one ASFL2 Yahoo! league and as a result, there will be an overall standings pages that will be updated as often as possible. They will feature every set of standings for each individual league as well as for the overall metrics. They'll also have each league's schedule and projected championship points.
The ASFL2 championship points earned from Fantasy Football are added into the overall ASFL2 championship standings once the game has been completed. There are no championship standings updates during the season.

Fantasy Football Game Rules & Scoring